Recently my mum has started a cupcake business and it's been cupcake-crazy all day everyday! Today she made 100 cupcakes (i sampled two... you know, just to check...).
Do I hear bells? Yes, I do and they're just around the corner: Christmas is almost here and the lady in question has asked for 'anything Cupcake'. Seen anything 'cupcakey' which I could get my mum for Christmas?
Hi Madison, Cath Kidson in Shelton Street (Covent Garden) has some cupcakey inspired goodies that your mum might like plus I've also seen some great cupcake calenders (Borders one and so do waterstiones I think) that she could keep her orders logged on. I want to ask you and Soph a favour on Kirsty's birthday if you don't minnd so I'll be in contact.
omg I've seen so many cupcake related things all over the place. drop me an e-mail ( and I'll send you some links if you want? x
Hi Madison,
Cath Kidson in Shelton Street (Covent Garden) has some cupcakey inspired goodies that your mum might like plus I've also seen some great cupcake calenders (Borders one and so do waterstiones I think) that she could keep her orders logged on.
I want to ask you and Soph a favour on Kirsty's birthday if you don't minnd so I'll be in contact.
omg I've seen so many cupcake related things all over the place.
drop me an e-mail
( and I'll send you some links if you want?
Just today I saw these :
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