After three weeks of going back to college, suddenly all the work is piling up. I'm reading three books, doing 'mini-essays' here, there and everywhere; and 10 page pieces of coursework's deadlines are only in two days!

I need to calm it, Kermit. I feel a bit all over the place: I still feel really ill and not quite right. I'm blundering through all my lessons and just about sticking to homework due dates. I just feel so tired. Gawd almighty - it must be winter!

I'm just looking forward to the weekend. To relax. I'm only 17 and seem to have a very hectic life. [Which is, by the way, not what my sister thinks: "Wait til you get in the REAL world, Madison..."] But talking of Brooke, yesterday my 21 year old sister came home from work and stated that she already had my christmas present. She said it was expensive and I would love it. I instantly asked:
"Tickets to America?"
To which that got a snort, rolling of eyes and a statement of: "Not that expensive!"
Well, a girl can keep on dreaming...

So, the next big thing: Halloween!! What's everyone got planned? My friend Dawn has a second home near the sea front, so we're hoping that we'll be able to have a spooky sleepover round there. All she needs is the permission of her Minister Halloween-hating mother. Hmm.

PS, don't forgot to enter this week's competition!! See the post below ;)
Relax and take it easy... channel your thoughts to stuff that makes you happy.
Make sure to take regular breaks just to indulge in being you. Yoga kept me sane through college.
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