Ok, by a little I mean a lot. I have four different classes in my week and out of all of them I am only enjoying one of them. One of the classes I have had no help in and been left to do NOTHING; another there is too many idiots and not enough villages; and the last one is a little bit pointless.
Also, found out cannot afford to go on holiday with my friends next year :(.
But with all this, at least:
- I love one of my lessons
- I have quite a good time table layout [meaning I don't have to go in til 12 on 3 out of 5 days...]
- I have hilarious friends that break up the day by being generally funny at lunch
- We are planning to go Glastonbury next year
- I think I am finally sorting my future out.
So I encourage you to look at that glass of water in your hand and see it as half full and not half empty.
Plus, if you really wanna be cheered up enter my competition to wear a pair of wayfarer sunglasses. Go to the previous post and comment before Saturday.
Happy Tuesday people.
What is it you're doing at college girlie? Thats a shame youre feeling a bit bummed at the moment :( I sure hope it gets better.
The Algarve is awesome yeah! :) I didnt expect it so be so nice, the people are lovely, its super clean, and they are crazy for Hello Kitty over there which made shopping trips a total joy :D But oh my goodness... how cold is the sea!? Ahhhh! That clear blue water is ridiculously deceiving :(
I feel like I have totally neglected my blog too! Gonna get back on track soon. Take care lady. Ayden xxx
Colleges are renound for causing frustration.
I'm glad you are looking at the positives though =)
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