Yesterday was Debra and Ambra's joint birthday party at TGIF's in London. It was SUCH a hilarious night (me and Kirsty got a teensy bit hyper). It was such a good night (anyone remember Mexicanwave-powerpunch-mime-vogue it!) I couldn't stop laughing!
And then today was our results day for AS Levels (half an A level - so our overall mark isn't til next year).. I'm pretty happy with my results:
Media = A
English Language = B
Sociology (urgh) = B
and English Literature = C (i'm kinda disappointed in this... I was predicted an A and this is the subject I put most work into :( I also really enjoy it so TONGUES OUT TO THE SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT - am taking this next year :) even if I did get a better result in Sociology). All my friends did exceptionally well - very proud of them all :)
After the pressure of waiting for our results we went to the cutest lil park ever and had a picnic. It was so cute and delicious (salmon sandwiches, mum's cupcakes, chocolate from Kirsty, muffins from Dawn, cookies from Debra. Anyone say yum?)
Oh, and as you know, my mum is becoming quite the business woman with her cake business. So I have designed her lil business card:

[and she got two orders tonight alone! Currently she is working on a wrestling cake and an Alice in Wonderland cake.]
love the cute sunnies
the business card is adorable :)
Love the red heart-shaped sunglasses :)
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