See you lot in 4 days - am going on holiday to Center Parcs avec Kirsty :). We will be riding our bikes around the forest, swimming in pool, travelling via horse and carriage, going yoga, seeing wildlife such as deer and pedalo-ing it on the lake! We will have a fantastic time, I'm so excited - am currently waiting for Kirsty to get here and then we are off.
So see you after the bank holiday
Friday, 28 August 2009
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Desperately Seeking Costume

Has anyone seen Desperately Seeking Susan? I really love it - and only got introduced to the film when researching what outfit I could have for the 80's party I'm going to soon. I totally fell in love with the costume and decided to buy the DVD to get more inspiration. It's one of my favourite films now, just because Madonna is so great in it and it has a great storyline. The film made me want to be all carefree like Madonna's character Susan is, and the costumes are gorgeous :)
So anyways I decided to dress like her character for the party and have been trying to find bits and pieces for my outfit. Today I found a perfect white dress in a store that was closing down - only £8! I have everything off the above list now minus the leggings and beads which I'll get tomorrow [trust me - I have the 'tude. The outfit feels so great already, even if I am missing a few bits!] In two weeks I'll post photos of me in my full outfit, and Kirsty too - who is going as a FAME girl (very appropriate with the new film coming out).
Yesterday I went shopping avec Kirsty, and today I went shopping avec Lauren. My bank balance is soooo low - haven't stopped ebaying for the past three days! Lauren and I also went to see The Time Travellers Wife. I started to read the book a few weeks ago, but I decided to do something I have never done before: waited for the film to come out. It wasn't that the book wasn't good, it was. But for once the film looked exactly like the book. Anyway, now I'm engrossed with the fantastic book Thanks for the Memories by Cecelia Ahern. Love her books!! Oh, and by the way GO SEE THE FILM - the Time Travellors wife is a tear jerker but a must see (I managed to stay dry eyed because of the full commitment I had to my non-waterproof heavy eye make-up.)
Tomorrow it's off to see Evita.
Don't cry for me Argentina...!
Sunday, 23 August 2009
The sun will come out-

If you could pick any of the days out of 2009 and state: "That was truly a summers day", then today would be it. My family came around for my grandparents 51st Wedding Anniversary and we had a delicious barbeque.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Kirsty is going to actually kill me after this but...
I had the most random day yesterday avec Kirsty and Ambra. First me and Lamb 1 went to Sainsburys and decided our lunch was going to be uber [note - do people still use that word... or should it stay in the 90's?] healthy. So we picked a vegetable pizza, a salad (which in the end had VERY weird crutons in it) and a fruit salad. It only cost us about £2.30 each! Woop for cheap supermarket food.
After cooking (mostly Kirsty) and Ambra arriving we spent the best part of 5 hours on the internet and laughing like maniacs. Then, whilst having dinner we watched She's the Man. [incidently, if anyone wants this film renacted Ambra and Kirsty are the ones to call - they know EVERY line!! haha, in the end I learnt one - 'naked!'. Yay I feel special]. Then suddenly Kirsty states:
"Why don't we renact the film?" After me and Ambra swap confused glances she continues: "I don't mind being made into a man." You didn't have to tell us twice!! We tackled her into a chair and dressed her as a man. And then, feeling a little left out in the makeover stakes Kirsty then cried: " Let's all have make-overs." Ambra got turned into a Goth haha. [I do NOT know what Kirsty was trying to do - I had the right side of her face and was trying to make it 'pretty goth'. Then Kirsty comes along with the eyeshadow and literally drops the pot on half of ambra's face. So then I decided to write EMO on her forehead.]
Then it was my turn. These two girls should NEVER N E V E R N-E-V-E-R become make-up artists. As ambra stabbed me to death in the eye with mascara, Kirsty took it apon herself to make me into a CHAV. And then Ambra joined in. I don't think I have ever had that much make-up on in my life. Stuffing a pillow up my top and using Kirsty's hats for boobs, I was ready for photos. NEVER show these to anybody important people...

"Better go get your Llama, get your llama, get your llama, get your Llama". Listen to Battlefield by Jordin Sparks and you'll get this joke.
After cooking (mostly Kirsty) and Ambra arriving we spent the best part of 5 hours on the internet and laughing like maniacs. Then, whilst having dinner we watched She's the Man. [incidently, if anyone wants this film renacted Ambra and Kirsty are the ones to call - they know EVERY line!! haha, in the end I learnt one - 'naked!'. Yay I feel special]. Then suddenly Kirsty states:
"Why don't we renact the film?" After me and Ambra swap confused glances she continues: "I don't mind being made into a man." You didn't have to tell us twice!! We tackled her into a chair and dressed her as a man. And then, feeling a little left out in the makeover stakes Kirsty then cried: " Let's all have make-overs." Ambra got turned into a Goth haha. [I do NOT know what Kirsty was trying to do - I had the right side of her face and was trying to make it 'pretty goth'. Then Kirsty comes along with the eyeshadow and literally drops the pot on half of ambra's face. So then I decided to write EMO on her forehead.]
Then it was my turn. These two girls should NEVER N E V E R N-E-V-E-R become make-up artists. As ambra stabbed me to death in the eye with mascara, Kirsty took it apon herself to make me into a CHAV. And then Ambra joined in. I don't think I have ever had that much make-up on in my life. Stuffing a pillow up my top and using Kirsty's hats for boobs, I was ready for photos. NEVER show these to anybody important people...
"Better go get your Llama, get your llama, get your llama, get your Llama". Listen to Battlefield by Jordin Sparks and you'll get this joke.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
I've had a
fantastic past two days :)
Yesterday was Debra and Ambra's joint birthday party at TGIF's in London. It was SUCH a hilarious night (me and Kirsty got a teensy bit hyper). It was such a good night (anyone remember Mexicanwave-powerpunch-mime-vogue it!) I couldn't stop laughing!

And then today was our results day for AS Levels (half an A level - so our overall mark isn't til next year).. I'm pretty happy with my results:
Media = A
English Language = B
Sociology (urgh) = B
and English Literature = C (i'm kinda disappointed in this... I was predicted an A and this is the subject I put most work into :( I also really enjoy it so TONGUES OUT TO THE SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT - am taking this next year :) even if I did get a better result in Sociology). All my friends did exceptionally well - very proud of them all :)

After the pressure of waiting for our results we went to the cutest lil park ever and had a picnic. It was so cute and delicious (salmon sandwiches, mum's cupcakes, chocolate from Kirsty, muffins from Dawn, cookies from Debra. Anyone say yum?)

Oh, and as you know, my mum is becoming quite the business woman with her cake business. So I have designed her lil business card:

[and she got two orders tonight alone! Currently she is working on a wrestling cake and an Alice in Wonderland cake.]
Yesterday was Debra and Ambra's joint birthday party at TGIF's in London. It was SUCH a hilarious night (me and Kirsty got a teensy bit hyper). It was such a good night (anyone remember Mexicanwave-powerpunch-mime-vogue it!) I couldn't stop laughing!
And then today was our results day for AS Levels (half an A level - so our overall mark isn't til next year).. I'm pretty happy with my results:
Media = A
English Language = B
Sociology (urgh) = B
and English Literature = C (i'm kinda disappointed in this... I was predicted an A and this is the subject I put most work into :( I also really enjoy it so TONGUES OUT TO THE SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT - am taking this next year :) even if I did get a better result in Sociology). All my friends did exceptionally well - very proud of them all :)
After the pressure of waiting for our results we went to the cutest lil park ever and had a picnic. It was so cute and delicious (salmon sandwiches, mum's cupcakes, chocolate from Kirsty, muffins from Dawn, cookies from Debra. Anyone say yum?)
Oh, and as you know, my mum is becoming quite the business woman with her cake business. So I have designed her lil business card:

[and she got two orders tonight alone! Currently she is working on a wrestling cake and an Alice in Wonderland cake.]
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
I overuse the word Inspiration too much but

I can't help it!! At the moment EVERYTHING is inspiring me to be more free and creative. I'd like to thank Kirsty for reintroducing me (and pressuring me haha) to the blogging world. Blogs are so amazing - it's like looking into people's diaries and seeing their hidden thoughts that maybe they wouldn't have said in day to day world. I started up a blog last year (it was rubbish!!) because I wanted to vent my frustrations anonymously and be all clever and charming without the embarrassment of people knowing it was me.
But I think it's good to go openly into the blogging world, so you can actually meet some interesting people who are only on here to do what you do - vent. And that venting has got me so inspired - especially as I've been talking to some great people lately, who have so many interesting things to say. When you look into another person's world, their perspective could change your mind because they may have a way of thinking different from your own. Your world becomes more 3D with the knowledge that there are people who are also out there with their own opinions and it's not just you in a Truman-esque world.
So I'd like to say thank you. You are all an - and I know I overuse this word but what the hell - inspiration :)
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Monday, 17 August 2009
Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows

They paved paradise and put up a parkin' lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin' hot spot
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got till it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parkin' lot
They took all the trees, and put em in a tree museum
And they charged the people a dollar and a half to see them
No, no, no, don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got till it's gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parkin' lot

Hey farmer, farmer, put away your DDT
I don't care about spots on my apples,
Leave me the birds and the bees - please
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got till it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Hey now, they've paved paradise to put up a parking lot
Why not?
Listen, late last night, I heard the screen door swing,
And a big yellow taxi took my girl away
Now don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got till it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Hey now now, don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got till it's gone
They paved paradise to put up a parking lot
Why not, they paved paradise
They put up a parking lot
Hey hey hey, paved paradise and put up a parking lot

Sunday, 16 August 2009
New favourite sport: star gazing...
It was actually pretty hilarious in the end, as we made up our own theme tune for all of the cards "Uh-ooooh!" and "It's question timeee!".
It was a beautiful evening so went into the garden and played Badminton whilst singing, making up own lyrics and then played Croquet. Which turned into an assault course ('James Bonding' it over the sunbed, high knees, jump, pose for the camera, throw pegs, sunbathe, jump and then High Five...). It was so fun and funny!!! Haha, that doesn't make sense but you get what I mean.
It had suddenly turned dark and so we lay on the sunbeds and gazed up into the sky. After having a toilet break and getting some jumpers ("Lamb 1! Lamb 1! Meet back in the garden!") we pushed the sunbeds to the back of the garden, and truly stargazed as it was almost pitch black in the garden. We played the game: "I've never..." [e.g. the example was "I've never fancied a ginger." which is of course "False!". Rupert Grint fan, remember?]. It was a brilliant night (not without drama - we ran out the front as I had spotted a Flare go up in the sky a few streets back, closely followed by a fire engine, police cars and helicopters!! Never found out the real story...) and it was such a perfect 'summer' night.
Sorry for such the long post but so much as happened!! haha :)
Thursday, 13 August 2009
M is for Madison (is the best..)
So as you know, for my 18th (5 months aways today people), I am having a fancy dress party. The guests have to come in something that begins with 'M'. There are INFINITE possibilities, and me and my family came up with loads. My friends want to see the list and so here is a good place to put it. If you have any ideas that aren't on the list, feel free to comment.
I'm going as Miss America [so this is taken people haha]. Here is the list:
Bob Marley
Lady Marmalade

M C Hammer
Mad Hatter
Mad Max
Madame Whiplash
Mae West
Make Up Artist
Man of the cloth
Man U Fan
Marilyn Manson

Mark Anthony
Mars Bar
Marvin Gaye
Mary Poppins
Mel B
Men in Black
Metal Mickey

Michael Jackson
Michael Jordan
Mickey & Minnie Mouse
Mickey from Only Fools and Horses
Mike Tyson
Milky Bar Kid
Mini cooper
Mini Me
Miss Congeniality
Miss Muffet

Miss Piggy
Miss Whiplash
Miss World
Mission Impossible
Mitchlin Man
Mona Lisa

Mother Teresa
Motor Racer
Mower Man
Mr & Mrs Smith
Mr Bean
Mr Benn
Mr Incredible
Mr Mallet
Mr McGoo
Mr Men
Mr Motivator
Mr Muscle

Mr Potato Head
Mrs Doubtfird
Mrs Marple
Mrs Moneypenny
Muhummad Ali

Muscle Man
Mystery Man
Any more? Please comment ;)
I'm going as Miss America [so this is taken people haha]. Here is the list:
Bob Marley
Lady Marmalade

M C Hammer
Mad Hatter
Mad Max
Madame Whiplash
Mae West
Make Up Artist
Man of the cloth
Man U Fan
Marilyn Manson

Mark Anthony
Mars Bar
Marvin Gaye
Mary Poppins
Mel B
Men in Black
Metal Mickey

Michael Jackson
Michael Jordan
Mickey & Minnie Mouse
Mickey from Only Fools and Horses
Mike Tyson
Milky Bar Kid
Mini cooper
Mini Me
Miss Congeniality
Miss Muffet

Miss Piggy
Miss Whiplash
Miss World
Mission Impossible
Mitchlin Man
Mona Lisa

Mother Teresa
Motor Racer
Mower Man
Mr & Mrs Smith
Mr Bean
Mr Benn
Mr Incredible
Mr Mallet
Mr McGoo
Mr Men
Mr Motivator
Mr Muscle

Mr Potato Head
Mrs Doubtfird
Mrs Marple
Mrs Moneypenny
Muhummad Ali

Muscle Man
Mystery Man
Any more? Please comment ;)
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Bowling and Pizza Hut haha...
Hello, fellow bloggers. Have had a good day today - we met up with our old Secondary School friends Joe and Ricky. It was a very funny day, as us girls won at bowling (predictably. Oh and Ambra won btw).
We discussed what we were going to dress up as for my 18th (in January but I'm letting everyone know in advance so they can get a super groovy costume.) I am going as Miss America - in a top hat and tutu dress, cos I generally love America. My party theme is fancy dress BUT you have to dress up as something beginning with 'M'. [My names madison for all you slow people haha ;)). So you could come as Mario, Minnie Mouse, Madonna, The Mask, A marshmallow, Marmite, Map...etc the list is endless!! We also watched a man behind us bowl really funnily. You know how Fred Flinstone bowls?? Well, it's crazier than that.
We then went onto Pizza Hut and it was hilarious. Can't even remember what we spoke about it was really funny. We have also decided that Ricky, Joe and Dawn are going to form a band and I am going to be their official band journalist :P. Hehe.
Oh and for Kirsty's birthday we are going to dress up in ginger wigs and freckles. [REMEMBER: she loves Rupert Grint!!]. Oh, and guess what? Kirsty is deliriously happy as Ricky revealed today that he has had McDonalds with Rupert Grint and his cousin (and RG owes Ricky a £1!!). Ricky speaks to RG's cousin. I am going to try to get Ricky to get Rupert Grint's cousin to get Rupert Grint to turn up to Planet Hollywood on Kirsty's birthday. I'd be so happy for her!! Anyhoo after getting very confused when paying for Pizza Hut, we decided to go across the parking lot to Pets at home and looked at all the cute furry animals. I heart guinea pigs, never had one. I think I might be allergic to their fur, because my mum is allergic to them, and we are both together allergic to cat hair.
We then bopped over to MotherCare World, and suddenly Ambra shoved a cardigan up her dress and she was pregnant!! Apparently, the twilight CHARACTER Edward was the father and the baby was Edward Junior. We didn't go in in the end, but spent about 2 hours outside of Mothercare World chatting.
It was weird that we had only left school last year but we were reminiscing about the good ole days like we hadn't been there for 20 years. It was nice seeing Ricky and Joe again - they don't change AT ALL - as we used to see them everyday when we were at school.

Last night was my first ever time seeing anything remotely scary at the cinema (I usually wait for the dvd... smaller screens are safer!). Haha, and what a film to pick to see for your first horror.
I figured - it has a 15 certifcate, and I'm 17. Surely I'd be fine...
It was pretty damn creepy - but I think the music was the worst. At the beginning I was like: "right, I know the first 20minutes is all going to be hunky-dory.. so i can kind of pace myself." OMG the first scene put me off giving birth so badly.
ie: woman pregnant, in labour at the hospital... weird nurse pushes her in a push chair. Woman looks down and she is leaking LUMPS of blood on the floor behind her. It is truly gross. Me, Ambra, Dawn and Debra are already covering our faces with our hands!! It cuts to a surgery scene and the nurse says: "You may feels some tugging and ripping..." urgh and the sound effects!! It's a squelching mess and suddenly the nurse says: "Wait! You're baby is alive!" and she holds out this baby. The baby is grotesque - blood and guts and lumps dripping off it and squealing and the mum is screaming and-
And then the mum wakes up. This is only the first scene!!

Don't get me wrong, it's a really clever film - with an incredible twist. Not for the faint hearted. [Although the big screen and surround sound made it worse...] I just loved how all four of us girls s-l-o-w-l-y sunk down in our cinema seats and our hands covered our faces... Me and Ambra kept laughing cos we kept jumping at EVERYTHING (yes, even the fridge door closing got me jumping!). I thought I would be a nervous wreck by the time I got out of there...
I have to say the little girl who plays the Orphan is INCREDIBLE. She plays a nine year old but I have just found out she is only twelve in real life. The stuff she has to do!! OMG. I also like the way the movie plays on horror cliches. Like, when you have a view of the door and you know when they close the door someone is going to be standing behind it? Well, the music implies so.. and then there is nothing. And then when you least suspect it, little Esther is watching.
Please go see it - if only once! I just thank gawd that even though we went to an evening performance, it was light outside when we got out.
Though it didn't help I went back to a dark house and my dad answered the door saying:
"There's something wrong with Esther..."

Not amused.
Monday, 10 August 2009
Are you old and boring yet?
Firstly, this is perhaps the most bizarre thing I think I have ever seen:
Second: oo-er missus, I've become all inspired!
So I've been reading various blogs all night, drinking hot chocolate and emailing friends when I come across this thing that states: THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE. And I'm like - wait a freaking second I have a book like that. Sure enough I do, but it's less morbid: '101 things to do before you're old and boring.' I am totally completing this and adding more.
What are some of the things you'd like to do before you're old and boring?
Second: oo-er missus, I've become all inspired!
So I've been reading various blogs all night, drinking hot chocolate and emailing friends when I come across this thing that states: THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE. And I'm like - wait a freaking second I have a book like that. Sure enough I do, but it's less morbid: '101 things to do before you're old and boring.' I am totally completing this and adding more.
What are some of the things you'd like to do before you're old and boring?
I missed out from Shopping today because I had a really bad stomach ache :(

"I cannot go to school today,"
Said little Peggy Ann McKay.
"I have the measles and the mumps,
A gash, a rash and purple bumps.
My mouth is wet, my throat is dry,
I'm going blind in my right eye.
My tonsils are as big as rocks,
I've counted sixteen chicken pox
And there's one more--that's seventeen,
And don't you think my face looks green?
Extract from Sick by Shel Silverstein
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Kiss of Life by Friendly Fires

Rub that line above the sand
I can see you closer
Closer than you’ll ever be
Rub that line above the sand
I know you think it’s over
Staring out into the sea
Don’t let go this could be so perfect.
Don’t let go if we hold onto it
Rub that line above the sand
Right before the tide comes
Washes you away from me
Ooh kiss of life
Could you wave goodbye to sun?
The sea the stars the waves the tide?
The wails inside that life has died.
But all you need is a kiss of life
Rub that line out of the sky
I can feel the night crawl
A broken drum and tambourine
Rub that line out of the sky
I can see the clouds form
Taking shape in front of me
Don’t let go this could be so easy
Don’t let go if you hold on to me
A thousand butterflies your lips to mine
Kiss of life.
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Yay I love mini Theme Parks :)

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