Had an INCREDIBLY busy day yesterday. The morning was ok - uploaded more stuff on ebay, washed my hair and got it cut by my hairdresser Lindsey.

[Kirsty takes random photos]
Then I went to the hall where my Uncle was having his party that night to decorate. We were there for aaaaaages. Putting up posters, etc. We also took the cakes to the hall which my mum had made for my Uncle. It was kind of a weird party because it was a joint 50th birthday joint 50th wedding anniversary joint 75th birthday. But whatever - my mum made three cakes, aswell as cookies, muffins and cupcakes. They went so quickly and they were all INCREDIBLY delicious.

[On a side note: My mum is now in business!! Woop woop. She got quite a few offers at the party - saying how professional her cakes are. She finally took an offer and is in the process of sorting out her pricing. If anyone wants any cakes or cookies or cupcakes made for them comment me and tell me and I'll give you my mum's email ;) ]

After which I went to the post office to visit my mate Nora ;) . Haha - she was ok this time, though not really a smile to be had again (although fair enough - I wanted stamps, and proof of posting on over 15 packages that were all different weights). By the time this all happened I had like 20 mins to get ready for Ask. Then my sister wanted me to curl her hair. After panicking and forgetting my camera, I finally made it to Dawn's who drove us to Ask.

It was so nice in there and the food was DELICIOUS :). I had Penne a la Gorgonzola. And showed off my Italian. Ahem. Anyway, I was planning to go to my Uncles party anyways and - quite frankly - didn't want to go on my own. I invited the group and they said yes (though all said they felt guilty for not having a card. *rolls eyes*) and thank gawd. It was a really good night (even though Dawn had to hop off to a music performance straight after the meal).
Awh well done to your mum thats soooooooo gd! I just ate the chocolate cake and O.M.G it was nice! :)
Thanks for inviting us last night hunni, it was sooooooo much fun! I'm about to edit and put some pictures on my blog! :)
Looking forward to Tuesday and Wednesday :)
you guys all look so cute
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