Today I went to a race avec my family. It was supposed to be my whole family running but it turned out to be just my dad and my sister's boyfriend Paul (Mum hurt her knee during the last race and Brooke has come down with the flu - hopefully not of the Swine type).
We arrived too early because my dad panicked as he had read on the website that there were limited places left. But it was lucky we did go early otherwise we wouldn't have had time to walk around the beautiful and twee street fair (or fayre - I always get confused with that one). We went there last year for the race and I had decided back then that I would love to live there in Thurrock at some point in my life. It's so cute and village-y. It instantly puts you in a happy mood and gives you a craving for pretty dresses and picnics.
I took MANY photos of the whole village - I want to write about this magical and enchanted place and my memory sucks, thank god for cameras!! Whilst dad and Paul started the race (unluckily the weather was very 'muggy' so it was an incredibly hard as the heat was overbearing) my mum, grandparents and me walked around, looked at the animals (we missed the ferret racing this year!) and - a tradition for myself in any fair (sp?) setting - ate fudge. [For fudge lovers out there I had the strawberry and cream; plain vanilla; chocolate; and chocolate and mint. It was freaking delicious].
Then all of a sudden it was 50 minutes later and people were coming in from the race. We situated ourselves on the pavement next to the road they were finishing and watched as sweaty men and women forced their way through the heat to the finishing line.
*THE BEST DRESSED RUNNER* goes to the cute guy wearing bright red socks and blue rayban wayfarers.
As the first lot came in I sat on the pavement and read NYLON. Then as the majority arrived I stood up and continued to clap my heart out for every runner. [Yes, at points I was the only one clapping.] I can't believe how many people were there: over 500 runners, and just think there must have been at least 3 watchers to every runner! Paul, followed by dad finished - they did really well - and were soaked with sweat. I made them sit in the back on the way home.
1 comment:
that town looks adorable
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